Coney Island Art Walls

Coney Island Art Walls

Coney Island Street Murals


Kammie’s Oddball Challenge 9/6/18

Coney Island Street Murals

20 thoughts on “Coney Island Art Walls

    1. Thanks. Coney Island has been upgraded since the 1970s and 1980s. Mostly due to Hurricane sandy in 2012. Lots of rebuilding and improvements. Hopefully this month my brother Stephen and I will visit the aquarium.

      1. I was raised in the St. Albans and Jamaica Queens area. Growing up I spent lots of time at Rockaway Playland, beach and boardwalk. My family also went to Coney Island but naturally being natives of Southeast Queens spent much more time in the Rockaways.
        I moved to Brooklyn six years ago so I enjoy spending time at Coney Island. Easy subway ride.

  1. ccbarr

    If you ever go to L.A. get someone to drive as you’ll be wowed by the murals. Their everywhere. Walls ,highway underpasses. And they tell stories. When the majority couldn’t read murals were done. In my teens they started bringing them back

    1. Thanks for the tips.
      Since I don’t drive someone would be in the driver’s seat while I would be a happy passenger.
      Years ago I visited San Diego specifically Disneyland and other attractions. I love murals and street art. Fun.

      1. The Mermaid reminds me of my Aunt Thelma. If she were alive she would get a kick out of this. I retired on August 16th and spent two days of the Last week in August at Coney Island. I live in Brooklyn so it takes about an hour to get there but I arrive at 8 am in the morning and leave around noon.

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