Pitkin Avenue Mural Dreams

Greetings My Photography Fans. Yesterday some of you were unable to view the pictures I posted of my walk along Pitkin and Ralph Avenues in Brooklyn, New York. Today I am trying a different way to download and incorporate the snapshots into this post which I truly hope will be more successful and everyone will be able to enjoy my pictures. I also threw in some weird bird sculpture photos I took in Manhattan near 34th Street last March.  Here goes!!

Soulful Strut ~~ Pitkin Avenue

A Visit To The Dunes….Echoes Of My Neighbourhood #8


#Brooklyn   Brooklyn, New York ~~ Today’s Soulful Strut took me from Rockaway Avenue where I made a right turn onto Pitkin Avenue. I walked along Pitkin Avenue all the way to Howard Avenue.  The photos of the little guy in the flower pot and the cookie message were taken 11/28/2015 along Ralph Avenue.