Halloween 2015



JNW’s Halloween Challenge: Party



Stephen as Robin Hood, Defender and Champion of Sherwood Forest!
Creative pumpkin designs at AABR.

Prompt Stomp Week 4

DeBorah the Huntress surveys her territory! Behold! I along with Stephen am the Protector of the Sherwood Forest!  My costume is sort of a combination of Diana the Huntress and the young woman character from the Hunger Games.

PROMPT STOMP ~~ Costumes

Halloween 2015 AABR 20151030_122310 20151030_122315 20151030_135137 20151030_135148 20151030_135200 20151030_141529 20151030_141535 20151030_141537 20151030_141540 20151031_141512 20151031_141514 20151031_141519 20151031_141525 20151031_141533 20151031_141544 20151031_141549 20151031_141601 20151031_141602 20151031_141607 20151031_141614 20151031_141704 20151031_141707 20151031_141709 20151031_141817 20151031_141821 20151031_141824 20151031_141827 20151031_141831 20151031_141833 20151031_141837 20151031_141839 20151031_141936 20151031_141946 20151031_142001 20151031_142005 20151031_142007 20151031_142009 20151031_142013 20151031_142038 20151031_142044 20151031_142047 20151031_142054 20151031_142059 20151031_142107

Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015