Security of Blankets and Quilts




Blankets, Quilts and Comforters bring us not only warmth but security. My brother Stephen had his Security Blanket when he was a little boy just like the Peanuts character Linus in the comic strip. I’ve always provided baby blankets for my various cats over the last 25 odd years. They love snuggled in those blankets but usually they love snuggling next to me more so. When I was a little girl my paternal grandmother Eva Gordon Palmer made a quilt for me and I was secure in her love for me. Comforters give the comfort of warmth on a cold snowy night.  So on many levels and senses Blankets, Quilts and Comforters give a type of security because they were either made or given with Love.

The Daily Post

Apr 27, 2017


My brother Stephen is coming over to visit and for us to celebrate his 56th Birthday (hard to believe my baby brother is this old!) so this is where I will be camping out. The sofa is now a bed. Wish that it was a sofa bed but those things are expensive but I make do. This blanket is lightweight as now the New York weather has become warmer. Yesterday it was in the 80s. Today lower but still pleasant.  When Stephen was a little boy like the Peanuts character Linus he had a security blanket that had to go with him everywhere. As he grew older he grew out of his need for his security blanket.


This is my bedroom where Stephen will sleep. This is a nice warm comforter.


This is one of my cat Sylvester’s blankets which are really baby blankets but he is my baby. My fur baby. I unfolded it so you can see SpongeBob Squarepants in his full glory but I will fold it into quarters so that it will fit into the left hand corner of my bedroom closet where Sylvester sleeps while I’m at work or out running errands. When I get in the bed Sylvester jumps up to join me. When I fall asleep he cuddles up next to me. Sylvester does have another blanket put that blanket does not have a design or cartoon character like this one.


If you wish read a great short story with quilts as one of the focal points please read Everyday Use by Alice Walker.  Here is the Link:

Previously in a long past post I had discussed the Quilt my grandmother Eva Gordon Palmer made for me when I was a little girl. When I was a child a Quilt was something you used not an artwork to be hanging on a wall therefore I don’t have any photos of the quilt and it wore out long ago. However it lingers as memory in my mind.


Eva Sophronia Gordon Palmer -- Grandmother
Paternal Grandmother Eva Gordon Palmer


Quilts from a past Museum Art Exhibit

Patterns of Fabric mixed with Love


Combining two prompts into one post.

One Word Photo Challenge: Fabricated

owpc logo 2

Part III: People, Places & Things

If you want to share a literal image of the actual word, do that. But if you’d rather play with word association, post something that reminds you of the specific word, or something you use the word for, do so. It only has to make sense to you. Have fun and keep on photographing!

owpc 2017

This week’s word is Fabricated!

The Daily Post

Mar 11, 2017


Write a new post in response to today’s one-word prompt.



On the surface the beautiful design, the warmth on a cold winters night while underneath an intricate patchwork of stitches all coming together joining not just pieces of fabric but generations. In my case me granddaughter to my paternal Grandmother Eva Palmer. Grandma Eva died when I was 5 or 6 so I did not get to know her well but that quilt held her memory however faint to me for quite some time.  The colorful triangular patches sewn together combining functional with fancy. Stitched together with Love, Tenderness, Kindness and Devotion.

Grandma Eva’s Musical Sewing Box that plays, “Let Me Call You Sweetheart.” 

Her patchwork quilt so lovingly made for me the first child of her only surviving son, my Dad Edward G. Palmer was like an umbilical cord linking us together. Now both my grandmother and my Dad have long since passed on but every time I see quilts I think of Grandma.  Some threads represented the sons she lost to Polio other threads her grandchildren representing the next generation.  And I possess her quiet strength and strong faith to endure tragedies and celebrate triumphs.

Eva Sophronia Gordon Palmer -- Grandmother

Some of my College Professors said that this short story by Alice Walker is a twist on the Biblical tale of The Prodigal Son.

Everyday Use” is a widely studied and frequently anthologized short story by Alice Walker. It was first published in 1973 as part of Walker’s short story collection, In Love and Trouble.

The story is told in first person by the “Mama”, an African American woman living in the Deep South with one of her two daughters. The story humorously illustrates the differences between Mrs. Johnson and her shy younger daughter Maggie, who both still adhere to traditional black culture in the rural South, and her educated, successful daughter Dee, or “Wangero” as she prefers to be called, who scorns her immediate roots in favor of a pretentious “native African” identity.

A film version was released in 2005.

“Everyday Use” Alice Walker