Halloween Challenge 2017: Bats and Brooms Plus Hay




Halloween Challenge 2017: Bats and Brooms Plus Hay


This Week’s Challenges: October 8 – 14 (OWPC, WW, JHC)



I have never seen a live bat here in New York City except maybe at the Zoo.  I did have some scary encounters with bats while I was TDY to Ft. Polk (aka Ft. Puke) many years ago during my time in the US Army.  Even though there are Hayrides mostly for kids at various Halloween Celebrations throughout the city I’ve never gone on one so these bales of Hay will have to do.


As you can see I have taken some Liberties interpreting the word Bats.


Yup! This is a Whisk Broom. It is a small broom used for cleaning dirt and dust off clothing. I grew up with whisk brooms and most Baby Boomers will remember them from the 1960s and 1970s. 



Not bats in the Belfry but some in the far left background.