Cee’s Oddball Challenge: August 13th – 2017





Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017


Here are some clothes that go along with the Crazy Coat featured a few weeks ago.

This is the crazy patchwork fur coat.


Now for the crazy clothes with a nutty looking handbag. All except the weird handbag and strange shoes are from the same upscale boutique. Well this is the Upper East Side. The Gold Coast of New York. Home of the Rich, Wealthy and Eccentric. These clothes could pay my rent for six, Yes 6 Months!



These are from the Louboutin shoe store. Again a few pairs of these shoes could pay my rent for the next 3 months.


Yes below are my raggedy beat up blue Discount store sneakers which are no comparison to these fancy expensive shoes.  Definitely out of my league.
