Aging with Grace


Age | The Daily Post


The Aging process is not for sissies. Everyone ages at a different rate. I never smoked and am only a social drinker. As many of you know I was in the U.S. Army for four years from November 1977 to November 1981. Then I was at my Peak Performance. I was in excellent physical condition. Actually from birth to age 48 my health was outstanding. I had amazing energy, could exercise without any problems, and received great doctor reports. The worst problems I had were some acne and menstrual cramps.

Then when I was 49 I had a mild stroke. Much of the vision in my left eye is gone. Pain is my constant companion. My digestive system has not worked properly in a long time. No more running up and down steps. The latest health challenges is I reach for things with my right hand and my entire right arm ignores me as well as now I have headaches almost every day.  Food allergies. 

Once I hit 50 Mr. Arthur Itis aka arthritis has been a faithful boyfriend. More any real life guys. Of course dating hits the skids after 50. Romance is only a distant dream kinda like being healthy.  However at my age a bed equals sleep. I’m tired 24/7/365. Mostly I blame menopause and genetics for my health issues. 

People tell me I look good for my age or they look at me in disbelief when I tell them I will be 59 Feb. 2018.  So even though my insides are falling apart my outside looks great!

Check out these photos from my younger and better days! Proud to be a Baby Boomer! 



Now here is what I currently look like. Feel like crap but still looking good. Oh yeah some light makeup helps.












Celebrate Yourself!



Celebrate 58!

For all the 50+ Ladies Yes we live in a youth centered, youth oriented society that often neglects or ignores Women over 50 but together we can uplift ourselves. We can and should celebrate ourselves. No looking for acceptance or confirmation from a man. Validate yourself.  No competition with or from the younger generation.

Pretty much outside of hair color, lipstick and mascara I’m make-up free. I was never big on make-up even when I was in my teens and 20s. Now when I was in my 30s I had bad outbreaks of cystic adult acne. Fortunately when I entered my 40s then acne disappeared.

Yes my body is aging but I’ve overjoyed to be 58 and am looking forward to turning 59 at the end of Feb. 2018!  

The Big 60 will be here February 2019.

Be proud of making it to and over that half century mark! Go ahead and Share your 50+ or 60+ Beauty and Boldness!  Disrupt Aging!



My Love Affair with Manic Panic Hair Color


The African Goddess Models


Goddess Kiss




Space Age and Romantic Danger!


The Daily Post


Look out! This week’s challenge is about the unexpected thrill of danger.


For all the Baby Boomers in the House!!



Now Let’s Get Busy and Rock the House with Our Dangerous Dance Moves!!

The bane of my young romance. Loved those Bad Boys!!

First Choice – Armed And Extremely Dangerous