Exotic Cutz



Exotic Cutz Barber Shop

My haircut by Kemmie




My New Look ~~ Wakanda Warrior Woman


Here are photos of my new look and my artwork! Happy Dance!



Well Folks I’ve decided to embrace my gray/grey hair and the aging process. Yes I cut off all my hair very short something like the Warrior Women of Wakanda. My hair has undergone the changes of menopause, aging, stress, illness and disability resulting in thinning and hair loss. Those women over 50 understand what I’m talking about. If you are not yet 50 don’t worry age will catch up to you.

BTW, No I am not going to discuss my chronic illness and disabilities. That includes my vision loss. It is what it is. One does not have to look sick to be sick.
I do not want people’s pity so I will not entertain questions about my health. I find those questions and comments annoying and upsetting therefore they will be deleted. 
Once you have a disability there are some days you might feel better but there is No get better.  Being that I’ve been dealing with health issues for over ten years I’ve accepted, adapted and for the most part moved on.  I will Not allow this blog to become a disease of the month club.
My Relationship with God is #1, Then My Brother Stephen, after that my creativity as expressed through my writing, photography (Please check out my blog, Roaming Urban Gypsy) and my artwork.

A Warrior Woman showcases her strengths not her weakness!

Instead I’m focusing on what I can still do. My abilities. Not my disabilities. Mostly my photography and Mixed Media Picture/Photo Collage skills.  I’m moving forward with my skills, talents, gifts and abilities.  Thinking Positive from now on Not negative!

Wakanda Forever!!

Wakanda Warrior Woman Pose



One Word Photo Challenge: Curtain




One Word Photo Challenge: Curtain

owpc logo 2

Part III: People, Places & Things

If you want to share a literal image of the actual word, do that. But if you’d rather play with word association, post something that reminds you of the specific word, or something you use the word for, do so. It only has to make sense to you. Have fun and keep on photographing!

owpc 2016

This week’s word is Curtain!

Mystical Majical Curtains reveal Moi!! The Poetry Goddess!!