Silent Sunday Strolling

Strolling on a Silent Sunday

Sunday Strolling

Brooklyn is Blooming with fragrant flowers.

Fragrant Flowers in Our Humble Home. Along with some of my Paintings.

The sunglasses belong to my housemate Marc. He also created this Flower Arrangement.

A certain tuckered out Feline after taming the Wild Palms! Lol! 😻😸😺

3 thoughts on “Silent Sunday Strolling

  1. Aha, Brooklyn is brimming with spring. The bright colors of the flowers fit with the bold use of color in your paintings 🙂 I’m so glad the flowers are coming out as I had thought maybe they’d be delayed by such a cold winter, at least here.

    1. Well Thank goodness Spring began to show up around the last week in March. Each day is a little warmer than the day before even with the April showers. Usually by the end of April perhaps after Resurrection Sunday the temperature will rise to the 60s and 70s and eventually into the 80s. I’m looking forward to going to Coney Island beach.

      Thank you for complimenting my paintings.

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