Happy ~~ Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

If you’re Happy and you know it clap your hands!!

Espiritu en Fuego/A Fiery Spirit

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Happy


We are now on to a new series which topics.  I like to think it will be fun series.  It consists of combinations of colors and happy and pets.  It is time to just have some fun.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Since WordPress pingbacks are not working properly right now, I would recommend you add a Comment with your post link to your challenge entries so you will be considered for features.  

This week’s topic is Happy.  Anything in this world that makes you feel happy or smile is allowed in this series.   It could be a beautiful land or seascape to a close up of a flower.  Your significant other, family, kids or even pets.  It could be a delicious plate of food or ice cream.  Show off your photos of…

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