Golden GRYL

Transformation & Transfiguration


Today’s Forgiving Fridays: I’m Back with a Forgiveness Quote!


Golden GRYL
Mardi Gras Momma Golden Gyrl



Transformation and Transfiguration


Creating Art Transforms not just the artwork but the Artist. Creativity allows you to enter into heretofore unexplored dimensions.  DeBorah Ann Palmer


Who is Your Super Hero?

Superheroes Unite

Face blares from Jumbo-tron Screen


She’s Got a New Attitude




Ms. Mardi Gras Extravaganza






















Mardi Gras Momma Golden Gyrl




Nurt Thurs – As Much as Anyone



Energy Light Transmissions United The Glamazons!






Romans 12:2 New International Version (NIV)

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Today’s Forgiving Fridays: I’m Back with a Forgiveness Quote!

Miraculous Throwback Thursday| The Daily Post 


Throwback Thursday

Stephen and I are miracles for and from our parents Edward and Mable Palmer!!


1959 and 1961 were both miraculous years for our Mom and Dad as they produced me and my brother Stephen respectively.  I know that they are both smiling down upon us from Heaven still Thanking God for the Blessings we were and currently still are.

The below photos was taken Christmas 1961 when we lived in the Bronx. The professional photographer came to our house. I was two and Stephen was 6 months old.  Even though I was only two I still remember the photographer giving me instructions on how I should pose and to prop Stephen up because he was a roly poly baby with a bit of a challenge remaining upright! Check out the corny matching outfits! LOL!


DeBorah & Stephen 1961
Me and Baby Brother December 1961






Wordless Wednesday


Wordless Wednesday







Zitomer Window Display

Zitomer is a Luxury Pharmacy that I pass on my way to work. I cannot afford to purchase anything in this store however they do have some great window displays. I look forward to seeing what they come up with for the holidays and seasons.

Zitomer Window Display

Queen Bee Zitomer. My name DeBorah means Queen Bee in Hebrew.
Queen Bee Zitomer. My name DeBorah means Queen Bee in Hebrew.
Queen Bee Zitomer. My name DeBorah means Queen Bee in Hebrew.

One Word Photo Challenge: Baby

One Word Photo Challenge: Baby

owpc logo 2

Part III: People, Places & Things

If you want to share a literal image of the actual word, do that. But if you’d rather play with word association, post something that reminds you of the specific word, or something you use the word for, do so. It only has to make sense to you. Have fun and keep on photographing!

owpc 2016

This week’s word is Baby!

Me and My brother Stephen as Babies. Me 1959. Stephen 1961.






Jamming with Subway Musicians

Jamming at the 14th Street Union Square Subway Station




Now you get to hear my rather nasally New York accented voice narrating this lovely walk through Central Park!!


Here are some Central Park Photos from Last Year September/October 2015