Soulful Strut ~~ Herkimer Street #1


Soulful Strut ~~ Herkimer Street. Today I walked along Herkimer Street from Utica to Atlantic Avenues.  #Brooklyn
Brooklyn is known as the Borough of Churches so on today’s Soulful Strut, 12/7/2015 I decided to focus on churches during my walk. As you can see many of these churches started in the 1800s. Fascinating architecture! Also many churches have Soup Kitchens and Food Pantries which help feed local communities. Many people criticize the church but for all it’s faults and flaws many people in the neighborhood depend on churches for food, clothing and other types of social service assistance.  Many people who are in need of good healthy food do not qualify for government Food Stamps so they must depend on the House of God to feed themselves and their families.
Veterans, the elderly, children, the disabled, poor, working class and anyone in need can get food in New York City. Praise God for the church and the ministry of Jesus which commands us to feed the hungry!
As you can see I’ve also snapped photos of other buildings and items that caught my fancy. My Cat Fancy included! LOL!  Enjoy!



Divas Den Herkimer