Awaiting Ascension Juxtapositions

Are we living breathing time capsules waiting to be opened by future generations.

Alive. Merely existing.

Unquiet extreme desperation for something more but we don’t know what that more is. Blend in. Blend in. Like a Chameleon. Validation mode on.

Fire Salamanders emerge from still hot ashes and charcoal bits whence Paul dipped his hand yet brought back his hand unscathed by neither flames nor poisons.

Creator demands that we be broken down into our Essential Elements.Are we really primordial primates amphibian reptiles species awaiting Rebirth into the next level of Evolution? Sentient beings searching for our next form.

Next pattern. Next Dimensions, Galaxies and Multiple Universes.We 20th Century born sat at the feet of our Elders absorbing our family oral traditions. Treasured Griots sharing knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

But how will our 22nd Century descendants interpret the Throwing of our old bones.Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Long abandoned Blogs filled with dusty forgotten posts on desiccated lives. Forever seeking release from a wireless tangled Matrix.

Will we stand the test of time?Or will Haramattan Sirocco winds blown from Pyramids and Sphinx wipe our Talking Heads from the Akashic Records.

Homage to Eden

RDP Saturday: RIVER

Ragtag Daily Post | River

During My Earthly Sojourn I have cried Tears into Tributaries Rivers feeding into Oceans. For How Shall I Rejoice for to Sing The Lord’s Song in a Babylon Land of Shame and Sorrow. Rivers upon Rivers washing over me. Oh Baptize My Soul as I reach across Rivers Gathering My Ancestors unto my Soul.

Oshun take My Mind away from poisonous ground and Let Me Return Home again!